Increased Funding for Early Childhood from the $25B Permanent Fund

Constitutional Amendment #1 would increase funding for early childhood and K-12 via an 11/4% annual distribution from New Mexico’s $25B Land Grant Permanent Fund (LGPF).  As a Constitutional Amendment voters, must approve it this November to become law. What is the LGPF, how did it accumulate so much money, and how would these additional funds impact our early childhood programs?

Joining host Stephen Spitz to discuss all this is the head of the State’s Early Childhood and Care Department, Elizabeth Groginsky. We will explore the above questions as well as how much it would cost to fully scale up early childhood programs and whether this could be a game changer.

Produced with assistance of Lynn Schibeci, Elias Henley, Tristan Clum, and Roman Garcia.

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