Monthly Archives: May 2010

Deadly Violence in Juarez

Horrific daily murders are again on the increase in near-by Juarez, Mexico with the recent public assassination of three American counselor employees in broad daylight making national headlines.  In response, Secretary of State Hillary Clinton traveled to Mexico City and again pledged US cooperation in the fight against the Mexican Drug Cartels while Governor Richardson called out the New Mexico National Guard to protect against cross-border violence. But with cheap drugs and entrenched Cartels just across the Rio Grande from the largest and richest drug market in the world is there any realistic hope of winning the drug war and stemming the violence? Alternatively, what are the choices when corruption and intimidation have overwhelmed local, State and National Mexican Governments and violence is already spilling over the border.

Joining host Stephen Spitz to discuss these and other issues is the  reporter based in El Paso-Juarez for NPR’s Latino USA, Monica Ortiz Urribe, and UNM doctoral student Rebeca Jasso Aguilar, whose work in sociology concerns contemporary politician movements in Mexico.

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