Monthly Archives: April 2023

New Mexico’s 2023 Legislative Session: Record Spending and a Record Surplus

Politics inside New Mexico’s “Roundhouse” are notoriously complex with legislative success dependent on personal connections, intra-party rivalries, the power of lobbyists, and basic deal making. This year saw a change in  House leadership, a different more friendly vibe, and push-back against the Governor’s agenda by fellow Democrats. Meanwhile, there was also record spending and a 30% budget surplus.  Bills regarding paid family leave, paid legislators and staff, crime, and the environment were introduced. What, of significance, occurred?

New Mexico People Place and Ideas host Stephen Spitz will put that to this month’s guest, Joe Monahan, the lead political blogger in New Mexico: he will provide listeners with an inside look at what  passed this Session along with the big misses.

Produced with assistance of Lynn Schibeci, Gus Tafoya, and Tristan Clum.

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