Monthly Archives: July 2013

New Mexico’s Water Shortage: How did we get here and what can be done?

Consider the following: (1) Our water supply is ever shrinking; (2) We are in the midst of a seemingly endless drought; (3) Our groundwater buffer is gone and water allocation is now a zero sum game; and, (4) Global climate change will make all of the above worse. To complicate matters, competing for our limited water are: (1) a growing population, (2) a struggling agriculture industry, and, (3) a Rio Grande ecosystem on life support. To explain how this happened, and our limited policy choices, host Stephen Spitz is joined by a true water expert, Dr. Fred M Phillips.  Dr. Phillips directs the hydrology program in the department of earth and environmental sciences at the New Mexico Institute of Mining and Technology and is the co-author of the recent book, Reining in the Rio Grande. So please join us as we explore how New Mexico got into this fix and what our future looks like. Produced with the assistance of Joe Green.

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