Monthly Archives: November 2022

Helping Children Succeed and Constitutional Amendment #1

Constitutional Amendment #1 would increase funding for early childhood education and K-12 via an 11/4% annual distribution from New Mexico’s $25B Land Grant Permanent Fund (LGPF). Will this change educational outcomes? 

In Paul Tough’s NYT-bestselling How Children Succeed, he first introduced us to the research that shows that character strengths like grit, perseverance, self-control, and optimism play a critical and often overlooked role in children’s success. But, how can early childhood education and K-12 do this? Tough’s answer is in his book Helping Children Succeed. His conclusion: We should stop trying to “teach” qualities like grit and self-control to our kids. Instead, he argues, we need to recognize that these capacities are the product of children’s environment.

Please join host Stephen Spitz and author Paul Tough as they explore how early childhood and K-12 programs have changed home and school environments and helped children to succeed.

Produced with assistance of Jefferson White, Elias Henley, and Lynn Schibeci.

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