Monthly Archives: February 2018

Where is New Mexico’s Climate Headed?

Where is New Mexico’s Climate Headed? The answer is South, according to UNM climate scientist and meteorologist Dr. David Gutzler. Specifically, toward a climate like that of today’s El Paso: “What we see in the data, the temperature is rising with a rate consistent with a middle-road climate change based on greenhouse gases,” according to Gutzler. “If we extrapolate out … the analogy I draw is the climate in the Albuquerque area would be roughly similar to El Paso.” It’s a frightening picture of tree less mountains where it’s much dryer and hotter. And, even though his background is in chaos theory and uncertainty, Professor Gutzler’s question “is not if we are headed there, but how rapidly.”

To get a complete picture, please join host Stephen Spitz as we explore what the latest climate change models predict for New Mexico and the Southwest.

Produced with the assistance of Marshall Broyles and Lynn Schibeci.

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