Monthly Archives: February 2014

Mason: How Shame From Our “First Family” Leaves Scars That Shapes Our Interactions

Our guest this month Marilyn Mason. Dr. Mason is an internationally recognized consultant and speaker on leadership and coaching. She has conducted numerous seminars and made frequent radio-TV appearances including five on the Oprah Winfrey show alone. Her latest book, Becoming a Genuine Leader, explains how shame and vulnerability affect the way we interact with others and why some work environments are so toxic. The central thesis of the book is that some of our “first families” have left us with scars that cover up our shame for not measuring up to our parents’ demands. We explore with Dr. Mason how one can face that shame in order to change the present. So please join host Stephen Spitz for a discussion of how to change and manage challenging relationships. Produced with the assistance of Joe Green.

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