What are the consequences, realistically and politically, if Gov. Martinez pushes to repeal driver’s licenses for “illegals”?

If Governor Martinez’s past priorities are a guide, the call for the 2012 legislative session will again propose a repeal of driver’s licenses for undocumented immigrants and tighter restrictions on voting. Similar legislative initiatives have been successful in other states, such as Arizona and Alabama, but how are they being received in New Mexico where pluralities of voters are Hispanic.

To get the take of our Hispanic community, Ms. Elsa Lopez, a lead community organizer for Somos Un Pueblo Unido, joins host Stephen Spitz. We will discuss the big question raised by the Gov., namely, are New Mexico driver’s licenses for the undocumented a magnet for fraud?

To get a better understanding of the political realities of targeting “illegals”, a leading Latino political scientist, Dr. Gabriel Sanchez, will also join in the discussion. For a realistic picture of the consequences of this measure in the New Mexico electorate and on the ground in the Hispanic community please join host Stephen Spitz, Dr. Gabriel Sanchez and Community organizer Elsa Lopez.

Produced with the assistance of John Burgund.

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