Dr. Kent Kiehl’s Brain Science Research; How and why Psychopaths are Different from the Rest of Us

What is going on in the mind of a school shooter, a mass murderer, or a serial rapist? Is his mind different from a mass fraudster like Bernie Madoff? We summarily dismiss these criminals as pure  “evil” but why? Often they are psychopaths – wrongdoers who repeatedly act impulsively, and lack of empathy, guilt and remorse for the harm caused; they know right from wrong cognitively, but don’t have a feeling for what’s right and wrong. Our guest, UNM professor, Kent Kiehl, is at the forefront of emerging neuroscience research on psychopathy, and is considered one of its leading experts. His primary focus is on groundbreaking research on the brains of incarcerated inmates and his brain scans have predicted with startling accuracy the likelihood that they will offend again. So please join host Stephen Spitz and Dr. Kent Kiehl, as we explore how and why criminals are different from the rest of us. Produced with the assistance of Joe Green.

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